Most Common Challenges With Cloud Migration And Their Solution

Ekas Cloud
4 min readApr 17, 2021


Is your small business contemplating moving into the cloud? Cloud computing has exploded within recent years since the amount of cloud suppliers and options continues to grow. Studies always find that companies are embracing the cloud in their infrastructure at a feverish pace. Before your business gets the leap, however, you have to come up with a plan for migrating into the cloud.

Successfully migrating to the cloud wants a whole lot of focus from your own enterprise. If your organization isn’t ready to take care of the challenges of cloud migration, then it might be dangerous and costly for you and your own data. But, understanding these struggles and how to manage them until you begin your cloud travel will provide you a large benefit. Below, we have listed six frequent cloud migration challenges that companies face — and ways to overcome them.

Challenges With Cloud Migration And Their Solution

The financial cost of cloud migration

Moving into the cloud could be expensive, particularly in case you don’t project the possible financial impact ahead. Though the cloud is frequently cost-effective in the very long run, cloud migration may be expensive upfront based on how much information you intend to move. This fiscal cost should not only factor in the expense of utilizing the cloud alternatives, however. In addition, you will need to take into account the price of training workers on the newest technologies and the expense of rewriting or replacing information to be harmonious with the cloud structure.

Planning A Cloud Migration Strategy

IT professionals understand that you can not simply blindly adopt new technology in your infrastructure with no good plan in place. The cloud is no exception to the principle; going your migration out prior to making the leap into the cloud is a vital part of the procedure. This does not just include picking the correct cloud supplier for your enterprise, however. You want to factor in price analysis, proposed downtime, worker coaching, and an estimated time to finish the migration. That last part is an integral component because entirely adapting to the cloud can have a very long time (possibly up to several weeks ) determined by how big your company and how much information you are moving to your cloud.

Cloud security questions

Safety is your number one barrier that prevents companies from embracing the cloud, and for good reason. It is almost always a wise approach to think about safety as a priority, particularly when incorporating new technologies. When you utilize cloud alternatives, you are basically asking another celebration to hold onto your information for you. If this party is reliable (and shows this trustworthiness), then your own cloud surgeries will prosper; if not, then they will crash and burn. Especially, you ought to be made conscious of your own cloud supplier’s security practices. You ought to be aware of where your data will be saved, the way the provider frees your incoming and outgoing information, and what regulations that the supplier is compliant with.

Breaking down your cloud migration into stages

The worst thing that you can potentially do as it pertains to cloud mining is hoping to move everything on the cloud simultaneously. While companies are happy to migrate their information to the cloud, then they will need to understand which information ought to be transferred over first. An excellent general practice would be to begin migrating non-essential or redundant info. Since you will still be testing the waters once you begin the migration process, it is possible your staff may create a mistake that could divert corrupted, corrupted, or insecure than your own data. You do not need to risk this happening to some business-critical or sensitive information, particularly in the event that you want to keep in compliance.

Preventing cloud vendor lock-in

Even if your initial expectations for a cloud seller are optimistic, you might find after beginning the cloud migration procedure your seller is not working for you. Vendor lock-in is a frequent issue for adopters of cloud technologies; since the practice of transferring data from 1 cloud to the next is quite a lengthy, expensive procedure, most companies will just stick to a single seller even if it is not the best match for them. When you are picking cloud suppliers, it is important to think about what your cloud aims are and which vendor is the most likely to assist you to reach them. It’s also advisable to search for service-level agreements (SLAs) which include information on what the seller will do to assist you in the event you would like to quit using their cloud solutions.

Training employees on your cloud solutions

At any time you introduce new technology to your organization, you have to make sure that everybody who uses that technology is on board. You can not assume that everyone will have the ability to know a new solution by themselves. Just take a while to get your employees up to speed on the cloud along with the answers that your company is integrating. It will save you a lot of headaches in the future than if you simply ditch the new technology on them.




Ekas Cloud

Ekas Cloud provides one to one Online Training for Cloud Services like Azure Cloud, AWS Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Devops, Linux, and Data Science. EkasCloud